Innovative II

If only the best is good enough for your skin, we have the solution for you with this wonderful treatment, with 79% vitamin C. INNOVATIVE II is the newest and most powerful product in the Pascaud cosmeceuticals line. It is a very special product with an extremely high active vitamin C content, namely 79 percent!
What is Innovative II ?
INNOVATIVE II consists of 2 components, namely freeze-dried vitamin C (79%) and a liquid activator. The liquid activator is added to the vitamin C when it is going to be used, so the serum is freshly prepared each time.
The 79 percent highly active vitamin C has a scientifically proven effect:
– ​Clinically proven results after 21 days
– 24% reduction in wrinkle depth
– 20% Increase in skin elasticity
– 33% Improvement of complexion evening
– Scientifically proven anti-oxidative effect
– 274% Superior anti-oxidative ability