After lipomassage & Maderotherapy

After lipomassage or post-operative massages are highly recommended after surgery.

Lymphatic drainage and ultrasound equipment are used during the treatment.

– The lymphatic drainage treatment is performed using the Pascaud contour equipment.
– Subsequently, the subcutaneous tissue is regenerated by means of radio frequency, circulation improves and collagen is stimulated so that the skin is made strong. Moisture is also drained and inflammation is prevented.
– After the fluid has been drained, we use maderotherapy. This ensures that your body is shaped correctly by removing toxins and breaking down fat cells.

Maderotherapy is an alternative to regular massages for people with cellulite. The advantage of specially shaped wooden elements is the intense pressure on cellulite and the removal of fat deposits along with other toxins. The technique of such a massage consists in repeating various wooden elements. Applying these elements to the muscles,
Fat deposits and cellulite stimulate the body’s lymphatic system to dissolve accumulated toxins. This release of toxins promotes metabolism to fat burning and pockets of persistent cellulite are also broken down, the swelling of the skin decreases and an ‘orange peel’ can be aligned.

Why After lipomassage?

– It reduces swelling
– It improves your body contours
– It reduces the pain and bruising
– It reduces the hard lumps
– It stimulates the drainage of excess moisture

Maderotherapy is recommended for:
– Relaxing body and mind
– Stimulating the lymphatic system
– Eliminating toxins
– Speeding up metabolism
– Breaking cellulite
– Fat burning
– Improve skin tone
– Contour improvement